Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Observance, Volunteer Fair, and Luminary Lighting
This year’s theme, “Upholding Dr. King’s Legacy in Challenging Times,” holds special significance as we gather to reaffirm our shared commitment to racial equity and inclusion at a time when these values are facing serious challenges. This year’s event will feature two keynote speakers: Dr. Saladin Ambar, senior scholar at Eagleton’s Center on the American Governor and political science professor at Rutgers, and SOMA resident Ibi Zoboi, New York Times bestselling author and editor of Black Enough: Stories of Being Young and Black in America. The program will include interfaith readings, music, dance, and a call to honor Dr. King’s vision of service and unity followed by a reception and Volunteer Fair to explore community-building opportunities.
Luminary Lighting & Canned Goods Drive
Hosted by the Meadowland Park Conservancy, join us at Meadowland Park, 5 Mead St, South Orange Village, NJ 07079 for community luminary lighting! Enjoy the beauty of the park and pond lined with luminaries, along with the company of fellow SOMA folks. Please bring canned goods to support the food drive.
Black History Month: Black Women and Civil Rights
Sign up today for this Black History Month event that we are co-sponsoring with Durand-Hedden House. On February 9, 2025, Dr. Hettie Williams, author of The Georgia of the North: Black Women and the Civil Rights Movement in New Jersey will speak about Black Women and Civil Rights. Dr. Williams will delve into the history of Black women’s activism and leadership. This will be followed by facilitated small group discussions and a reception.