Over 2600 luminary kits were lit on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day 2021 throughout SOMA neighborhoods, at Seton Hall University, all around the Meadowland Park pond, and in front of buildings and businesses. The Luminary Project team did amazing work creating the kits and getting them out to all those who wanted to participate and we can't thank them enough: Liz Testa, Marty Remy, Jocelyn Ryan, Zoraida Michaud. Thanks also to the Girl Scout troops of South Orange and Maplewood for creating the kits. And to all the neighborhood and block group leaders who rallied friends and neighbors. Endless gratitude to the businesses who sold luminary kits on our behalf -- please visit their websites and social media to learn more about their businesses: Able Baker, Pet Wants, Sparkhouse Toys, True Salvage, A Paper Hat, General Store Cooperative, and Words. We are also grateful to our own leaders: Village President Sheena Collum and Mayor Frank McGehee, who drove up participation by getting the word out and collecting requests for kits! Thanks also to Allison Ziefert Real Estate Group for her generosity in sponsoring the 2021 Luminary Project.
Finally, thanks to you, our community, for lighting your homes and spreading peace and love. You donated kits to every healthcare worker at our two local vaccination sites. And, for the first time, the first responders in our two towns lit up their stations in honor of Dr. King and his message. We couldn't be more grateful or proud to be part of this Beloved Community.
Have a look here to see the messages of hope for peace and healing in time hurt and loss. #SOMAluminaries #LetUsBetheLight
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