The South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race will host its 21st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance on Monday, January 17, 2022 at 4:00 pm live on YouTube. The theme of this year’s observance is “Serving Something Greater Than Ourselves,” and is based on Dr. King’s call “to discover some cause and some purpose, some loyalty outside of yourself and give yourself to that something.” This interfaith observance will include performances, stories, and ways to connect to volunteer opportunities.
Join us on YouTube live on Monday, January 17th, 4 pm!
The observance will be followed immediately by the lighting of luminaries throughout SOMA. Sponsored by the Community Coalition on Race each year since 2013, we ask people to light up the outside of their homes or businesses with Luminaries, white bags with votive candles inside that can be decorated with Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision. The goal is for thousands of homes in SOMA to be lit up as a sign of hope, sanctuary, peace, and solidarity with Dr. King’s vision of the Beloved Community. The Luminaries come four in a pack for a suggested donation of $10 in support of the mission of the Community Coalition on Race. This year, by popular request, there will be a special option of LED candles (suitable for indoor use), for a suggested donation of $15.
To make the donation for luminaries:
Donate here on our website and choose 'luminary' in the donation type
Text Luminaries to 53-555
Thanks for your participation and support!
Thanks to our business supporters!
- Able Baker
- Pet Wants
- Sparkhouse Toys
- True Salvage Cafe
- D&I Fitness
- Oh! Canary
- A Paper Hat
- General Store Cooperative
- Words Bookstore
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