Equity in Education Resources

Healthy Schools Can Create More Racially Equitable Communities

  • Historic and ongoing inequities in people’s ability to access infrastructure—including differential access to services and supports that advance health outcomes and differential exposure to challenges that threaten well-being—reinforce disparate health and economic outcomes by race. Schools play a critical role in either perpetuating or interrupting these inequities, as they are both a venue for children and youth to receive the support needed for healthy development and for encountering various health risks.

A scholar revives the argument for racial integration in schools

  • Economist Rucker Johnson says three things are essential for schools to give poor kids a chance to break out of poverty: money, preschool, and desegregation. Johnson finds that black children make much larger academic gains when integration is accompanied by more funding for low-income schools. Similarly, the benefits of early child education endure when they’re followed by well-resourced schools.

New Jersey’s Segregated Schools: Trends and Paths Forward

  • The basic lesson of this report is that the future of the state and its communities depends on making an extremely diverse society work much better than what has been achieved so far.  New Jersey does not face a problem without solutions -- but it is on a path that will make things worse. Turning onto a viable future path will take understanding and leadership and could produce very large rewards.

Racial Disproportionality in School Discipline 

  • Resources for teachers and individuals interested in cultural competency.

Mind the Gap: Why Good Schools are Failing Black Students 

  • Award-winning NPR Reporter Nancy Solomon takes you inside a school to hear a discussion on race in the classroom.  Listen as students try to explain what went wrong with their education. Join her at the kitchen table with black middle-class parents who thought that a move to the suburbs would ensure school success. Find out how the school's best teachers motivate their students. Be a fly on the wall in the busy dean's office where kids with discipline problems land.

Advice on what to look for when choosing a preschool

  • One of the most important decisions that we make as parents for our young children is selecting a high-quality preschool program.

The Educational Opportunity Explorer

  • Using public-school test scores in grades 3–8 from 2008–09 through 2018-19, Stanford University offers an in-depth picture of the educational opportunities across the U.S., with interactive maps that provide insights into test scores and learning rates in each community.

Nice White Parents (podcast)

  • If you want to understand what’s wrong with our public schools, you have to look at what is arguably the most powerful force in shaping them: white parents. A five-part series from the makers of Serial and The New York Times. Hosted by Chana Joffe-Walt.

Lessons Learned from 'Nice White Parents' Video

  • In this video, Julie Snyder, producer of the Nice White Parents podcast, shares insights on achieving racially integrated and equitable schools. Drawing from her experience in the South Orange-Maplewood school district, Snyder discusses the complexities of integration, the role of white families, and the challenges faced by marginalized students.

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