- The aftermath of the 2020 racial awakening in America made it seem like corporations, politicians, and other institutions were taking discrimination and historical disparities seriously. But the gaps are still everywhere you look: Consider the racial homeownership disparity.
5 reasons why affordable and accessible public transport is crucial for social and climate justice
- Improving our public transport systems is essential not just for climate, but for connecting people to opportunities they are currently denied. Mobility justice is climate justice.
Using the LEED Heat Island Reduction credit to combat inequity
- Heat islands in the U.S. are exacerbated by the climate crisis and are an urgent public health concern, especially for historically underserved populations, particularly low-income communities of color. The impacts of extreme heat are unequally distributed, because they are a byproduct of current and historical racist development practices, including redlining and segregation.
Why Financial Literacy Matters for Equity & Inclusion
- Financial literacy is one piece of the puzzle that can help people “turn wages into long-term wealth…fueling financial success that transforms generations.” That means effective financial education is crucial in improving equity and inclusion.
Mitigating Climate Impacts Means Meeting Everyone’s Basic Needs
- In the face of increasingly frequent and intense dangerous weather events—whether “once-in-a-century” hurricanes, wildfires, or winter storms—efforts to adapt to these impacts and build community resilience must center around meeting marginalized populations’ basic needs.
- This report presents research that finds a small percentage of consumers are constrained in their ability to access affordable nutritious food because they live far from a supermarket or large grocery store and do not have easy access to transportation. Urban core areas with limited food access are characterized by higher levels of racial segregation and greater income inequality.
Achieving Health and Social Equity through Housing
- Investments in community-based programs that provide energy efficiency, weatherization, or other integrated housing interventions generate non-energy benefits related to improvements in quality, affordability, and stability for occupants of low-income housing.
Get Internet: Claim Your Affordable Connectivity Program Benefit
- As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, President Biden and Vice President Harris worked with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to create the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which provides eligible households $30 per month off their internet bills.
Accessible Design vs Inclusive Design
- Accessibility aims to create products usable by people with disabilities. Inclusivity focuses on making products user-friendly for everyone, asserting that there is no “typical” customer.
Mapping Inequality - Redlining Maps in New Deal America
- In the 1930s the federal government created redlining maps, which you can interact with using this online tool. Explore these maps and the history of racial and ethnic discrimination in housing policy in Essex County, NJ, and elsewhere in the U.S.
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