Anti-racism and Anti-Bias Tools

Racial Equity Tools Glossary

  • Language can be used deliberately to engage and support community anti-racism coalitions and initiatives or to inflame and divide them. When people are talking about privilege or racism, the words they use often come with emotions and assumptions that are not spoken. Discussing and aligning definitions can engage and support coalitions.

Raising Biracial Children to Be Well-Adjusted

  • While mixed-race children certainly face challenges, raising well-adjusted biracial children is quite possible if parents are proactive and sensitive to their children’s needs.

How Well-Intentioned White Families Can Perpetuate Racism

  • An interview with Margaret Hagerman, a sociologist whose research found that, while mixed-race children certainly face challenges, raising well-adjusted biracial children is quite possible if parents are proactive and sensitive to their children’s needs — and that, despite their intentions, progressive-minded white families can perpetuate racial inequality if they’re not careful. 

PDF brochure: Strategies for Talking to Kids About Race

  • Compiled by the Schools Committee of the South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race, this brochure lays out 10 techniques that can help you have an informed, productive, and age-appropriate conversation on race with your children.

PDF: SPEAK UP! AGAINST BIAS & Respond to everyday racism and stereotypes

  • Interrupt, question, educate, echo. Learn how to employ these strategies to disrupt prejudice anywhere you encounter it.

10 Things You Can Do to Promote Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • Ten things you can do to live up to the values of equity and inclusion. Cultural humility (a mindset and process that allows one to be open to others’ identities through respectful inquiry and empathy) and accountability for one’s actions are foundational to being genuine and effective in the pursuit of an anti-racist society.

Anti-Racism Resources

  • Resources from the Coalition and other racial justice organizations designed to empower you to support change through knowledge and understanding

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