Supporting Racial Integration & Inclusion Now

We hope you and your family are safe and well. We understand how devastating current conditions are for so many people. Our concern goes out to all of our Coalition on Race followers and supporters during this time of uncertainty. And to those of you who are essential workers and to those on the front lines caring for people in need, we send our very deep appreciation. We are staying true to our mission, adapting, and responding in this challenging moment. As always, we are guided by our commitment to racial integration and resolving racial inequities. To those ends, we have been working to address new realities in racism and in community needs with resource guides. We are also planning opportunities to be together virtually. Visit our News page to see what we've been doing and what's coming up.
We are so grateful for your commitment to our work. People like you make it possible for us to stay the course as we face new challenges to our mission during this period of stress and strain. We hope will support us on #GivingTuesdayNow--donate here.
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