'Me, the "Other"' Screening Fosters Discussion about Otherness in SOMA

Many thanks to Steve Schnall, head of SouthNEXT, for including our Community Coalition Month event in this year's festival of ideas. We are grateful to film director Shidan Majidi and cast member Hussain Haider for leading the post-screening discussion. We were able to show 6 of the 12 cast member stories in the screening. These are moving profiles of people who tell their personal stories of prejudice, equality and diversity and share that ‘otherness’ is never one thing. Read more about the film below and visit their website to learn more. 

Me, The Other reveals the inner and outer lives of twelve people living on the frontlines of prejudice by asking the questions we don’t discuss in classrooms, workplaces, and social places.

The film is the centerpiece of a platform for creating conversations about what connects us and what keeps us apart.

With this film, we set out to tell stories of a diverse cast of characters who are on some level experiencing prejudice. While they are from various backgrounds, in that deep place inside, they are all essentially one… and we are one with them. My personal hope for this film is to expose that sacred place inside where beyond the clouded isms of race, religion, class, gender, age, sexual orientation, physical appearance— lies a place of light, warmth, hope, and pure love called the human soul.

—Shidan Majidi, Director/Co-Producer


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