Celebrating Integration Fundraiser Was a Success!

We gathered in person this year for the first time since 2019 for the 2022 Celebrating Integration annual awards fundraiser! This year our theme was Advancing Racial Equity Together; and we were thrilled to be together, to reflect on the year's work, to celebrate, and to honor those special people who make it all possible. The festivities included food, drinks, a showcase video of the work of the Coalition over the last year, some dancing, and a lot of much-needed social time after so much time apart. Thanks to everyone who attended this year's Celebrating Integration fundraiser and helped us to raise the funds that support our mission! Many thanks to our sponsors: 

  • Kelly Quirk & Martin Ceperley
  • Seton Hall University
  • Abigail P. & Dr. Donald Cotler
  • Dr. Ahadi Bugg-Levine & Antony Bugg Levine
  • Khalil Gibran Muhammad & Stephanie Lawson Muhammad
  • Nancy & Jay Daugherty
  • Robert & Faye Marchman
  • Fred & Susan Profeta

We are especially grateful to this year’s honorees: Abigail P. Cotler and Khalil G. Muhammad. They have given so much of their time, talent, and passion to the mission of the Coalition. Each one spoke that night about the importance of stepping up, volunteering, spreading the word about the mission, and about taking it seriously as we strive to achieve our next goals in racial integration, equity, and inclusion. Watch Abigail Cotler's speech here.
Have a look at the Commemorative Journal here where you can read about the honorees and see our sponsors and supporters. Below are some pictures.






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