Coffee House Discussion: When Should I Call the Police?

Recent incidents of SOMA residents calling the police on perceived suspicious activity, the police response, and the social media responses will be the topic of an upcoming Coffee House Discussion entitled When Should I Call the Police? This community roundtable discussion in small groups will explore issues such as: what should prompt someone to call for police; racist assumptions about people that cause suspicions; use of social media to shame people—both those who call the police and those who question the motives of the callers; use of social media to post surveillance footage and photos.

September 19, 2019 at 7:30pm - 9:30pm
The Woodland Parlor
Audrey Rowe Mindy Schwartz-Brown Kate McCaffrey Mary Forbes Maddie Dennis-Yates Cadhla Ball Seyi Peter-Thomas Andrea Weisbard Jessica Miller Jae M Zimmermann Kristen Tyler Dagmar Hobson Donna Coallier Summer Jones Barbara Velazquez Leila Sullivan

Who's RSVPing

Audrey Rowe
Mindy Schwartz-Brown
Kate McCaffrey
Mary Forbes
Maddie Dennis-Yates
Cadhla Ball
Seyi Peter-Thomas
Andrea Weisbard
Jessica Miller
Jae M Zimmermann
Kristen Tyler
Dagmar Hobson
Donna Coallier
Summer Jones
Barbara Velazquez
Leila Sullivan

Will you come?

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