Over the years, many residents have asked for more opportunities to continue discussions they have had at the annual Conversations on Race forums or to engage in more informal discussions of race-related issues. So many issues come up on a regular basis across the country that people want the chance to discuss with fellow citizens.
In 2015 we launched a new opportunity to meet chat about the issues are on our minds that are related to the Coalition’s mission of racial integration and true inclusion. Coffee House Discussions will be held periodically in both South Orange and Maplewood in informal settings so that we can consider these issues as they arise.
Our goal is to engage residents in timely, small-group discussions on issues related to race in local coffee house settings. To facilitate on-going relationships among the attendees beyond the discussions, we have set up a Facebook Group that will also serve to engage new members and generate future discussion topics.
Join our Coffee House Discussion group here: https://www.facebook.com/SOMAcoffeehousediscussions/
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