Talking and learning about race as a means to combat racism, privilege, and racial inequities have been core parts of our mission for over 20 years. We’re writing today to ask you to donate to support this work. Look at what people like you have made possible so far this year:
- Hundreds of people gathered to hear Lt. Gov. Sheila Y. Oliver speak in honor of Dr. King and attended the Volunteer Fair with local nonprofits
- Thousands of luminary lights were shining throughout the towns to celebrate Dr. King at over 1,300 homes and local institutions
- Hundreds of teens and adults learned about the history of Black
- people in New Jersey, and about internalized racism from a playwright's perspective, during Black History Month
- Dr. Diane Hughes along with a panel of parents shared strategies for addressing race regularly at home at Talking to Children about Race
- Conversations on Race: The Invention of Race & Its Implications, with author Dr. Nell Irvin Painter
Through our demographic and marketing research, however, we have seen that there are still tough challenges ahead for SOMA. To preserve our diversity, we need to increase demand for housing in South Orange and Maplewood among Black and Brown people.
In this highly segregated region and state, the cost of resegregation is high: there are precious few places for Black and White people to choose from if they want to live in a stable, racially-diverse community.
In the spirit of ensuring a thriving, racially integrated community, please consider making your donation of $100, $250, $500 or more this spring to support the Community Coalition on Race.
We also invite you to join us at these upcoming events to learn more about our mutual roles in caring for racial inclusion in our towns:
- Report to the Community: The 2019 Demographics Report, June 11th, 7:30 pm at the South Orange Public Library. We will share new information on affordable housing and updated information school district integration.
Your dollars will help us carry this work farther, deeper, forward.
Donations from people like you, who care about integration and all the benefits it brings to the life of our community, are crucial to our success. Building and maintaining a thriving, integrated community is at the core of our mission.
Help us by making a donation right now. You can make a secure, tax-deductible, on-line donation by going to the Donate tab or by sending a check to the Community Coalition on Race, 516 Prospect St. Maplewood, NJ 07040.
Sincerely yours,
Nancy Gagnier, Executive Director
As you consider the many good causes seeking your support this spring, we ask you to give priority to a group that is making a real difference in your community—the South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race.
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