We denounce and reject in the strongest terms the hatred and bigotry perpetrated by the white supremacist hate group NJEHA (New Jersey European Heritage Association). This hate group distributed flyers and posted signs throughout our community over the weekend. We are being targeted because we always and intentionally to the best of our abilities work toward racial integration and inclusion. The ADL describes this group as a small organization committed to defenders of white European people and white culture and that it distributes flyers in central NJ. They are connected to a hate group led by Patrick Little that spews antisemitic propaganda and goes on vile ‘Name the Jew’ tours. The NJEHA provided protection for Little on one such tour in Princeton NJ in 2018. That they have expanded to northern NJ and have targeted our community is a grave cause for concern. We cannot let this stand. As a community that is committed to being inclusive, and that rejects the racism and antisemitism sewn by white supremacist and all other groups, we call on people from Maplewood and South Orange to stand up to this dangerous presence by ripping down and reporting to the police any flyers you see. We will be working with other community groups on a community response in the coming days.
Please check back here or on our Facebook page for information on a community-wide response that is being coordinated with us, SOMA Justice, SOMA Action, and the interfaith community.
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