Coffee House Discussion: #1619 Project and the Myth of Physical Racial Differences

The Coalition on Race's Coffee House Discussion topic for Black History Month focuses on The New York Times 1619 Project essay Myths about physical racial differences were used to justify slavery – and are still believed by doctors today written by Linda Villarosa - writer, journalist, educator, and New York Times contributor- in August 2019. Read the NYT article here.
Join us to discuss the article, to learn more about racial differences and similarities and to privately take the Race Literacy Quiz to see how your beliefs stack up with the experts. Information will be shared through presentation and short videos followed by facilitated small group discussions to deepen our understanding and appreciation for different points of view. RSVP is requested for space and materials planning, but not required to attend.
DATE: February 19, 2020
TIME: 7:30 – 9:30
PLACE: The Woodland, 60 Woodland Rd, Maplewood
COST: FREE and everyone is welcome

This discussion is part of the SOMA Communal Year of Learning which was organized by Maplewood resident and former NYT contributing reporter Tina Kelley along with several organizations including SO/M Community Coalition on Race, SOMA Action, SOMA Justice, Maplewood and South Orange Public Libraries, Durand Hedden House, several houses of worship and other interested residents.

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